We are located at 4694 S. Hickory level rd, Carrollton, GA 30116. Our worship experience is at 11 a.m. on sunday mornings which preceded by Sunday school for all ages at 10 a.m.. On Wednesday evenings we have our midweek studies starting with a dinner at 6 p.m. followed by bible studies for all at 6:30 p.m..
Pardon the dust but we are under construction…
Come back regularly to see what’s new.
A Fruit-Bearing Church...
Baptism is part of our life.
Worship and Fellowship, expressing our Love of God and Neighbor, is what Concord is all about. Our worship is traditional with a touch of contemporary, our people faithful to the truth of the Gospel, yet open to new ways of communicating it.
...with Growing Branches...
Youth Sunday at Concord UMC.
Although considered a small church, Concord strives for excellence and variety in ministering to youth and children, and God's children of all ages.
... and Deep Roots.
Our roots are in serving our community
Established in 1828, Concord has a great love of history and close ties to the local community. Read about the history of our church and community in the Times-Georgian here.